Who We Are
In the crosscutting era of the technological and social growth, the green growth strategies are required for sustainable growth and to give out the pattern of environmental degradation and natural resource depletion. Likewise, the community plays an important role for implementation of said technology aimed at nation development. In the disputation of the nation development, "Rebound Enviro Tech Pvt. Ltd." was established by a group of IITians and social workers aimed at empowering the nation through technological interventions and community involvement for undertaking the solutions for a variety of environmental issues in the 21st century.
The environment, we do not only refer to physical factors such as nature, but likewise to the social and demographic surroundings that equally influence our well being and vice-versa. Human race cannot be sequestered from its environment and it is the key component for survival of all kinds of lives along the earth including human being. Safeguard of this priceless commodity should be the one of the most important duty of every person. This God's gift must not be taken for granted ,it must be cared for. If not, humanity will face the dark results of its activities.
At one final stage it is essential that we make out everything in our means to conserve and protect the environment and at the same time help evolve and uplift the social status in which the human race endures. Man has neglected to factor into the economic equation the tremendous benefits nature provides. Because the environment is our life-support scheme, it's impossible to truly judge its value (it's priceless).